Cultivating Emotional Balance

Emotions make us beautifully human. Pleasant ones can make us feel joyous, giddy, content, on top of the world. But the unpleasant ones can exert such a strong grip on us that we feel yanked around and controlled by bouts of panic, anger, jealousy. So strong, the most destructive of emotions can poison relationships, inhibit our livelihoods, and erode peace of mind.

All our emotions are normal and to a degree healthy. They help us understand our current state, alerting us to what needs our attention, and are an important way for us to communicate non-verbally to others our wants, needs, and boundaries. Engaging with and expressing emotions in destructive ways is the problem. The good news is, you can learn to recognize the onset of difficult emotions and cultivate perspective and behaviors that help you manage your reactions and change your reality for the better. With introspection, a few skills, and practice, all of us can achieve greater emotional balance to help us thrive no matter the situation.

What does CEB help you do?

Cultivating Emotional Balance (CEB) is an educational training in emotion regulation and meditation with outcomes confirmed by clinical study. By integrating the wisdom traditions of modern psychology, current emotion research, and contemplative practices, CEB provides a secular platform for personal transformation. Specifically, CEB training provides skills to:

  • Exert greater self-control over your emotional reactions to avoid destructive outcomes.

  • Maintain calm and achieve peace of mind regardless of external circumstances.

  • Develop the ability to watch mental events without getting caught up in them and re-triggering emotions.

  • Strengthen your ability to resonate with the emotions of others and increase your compassion without feeling emotionally overwhelmed.

The Atlas of Emotions

A product of the work of CEB, this amazing site is an interactive tool that allows you to map the timeline of all the major emotion families. Think of this as a visual and immersive way to understand what CEB aims to teach. Conceived of at the request of H.H. the Dalai Lama, The Atlas represents what researchers have learned from the psychological study of emotions.